As the waters cover the sea…
You are welcome here!
We’d love to have you.
Sunday School: 9:15am
Sunday Corporate Worship: 10:30am
Wednesday Teaching and Prayer: 6:30pm
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed?
And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?
And how are they to hear without someone preaching?”
There is no “plan B” for the CHURCH.
We are called to live in sacrificial community with one another. To carry each other’s burdens. To rejoice with each other. To mourn with each other. To build up in Christ. To challenge. To encourage each other to daily walk in light of our great salvation. To remind each other to do ALL that we do, to the glory of God.
We need each other.
It’s the way God designed it.
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the GLORY of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. Hab 2:14
You have the highest calling in the Cosmos.
You were created to KNOW and LOVE your God. Because Jesus purchased our lives through his victorious death on the cross, we can draw near to Him- free of all guilt, shame, and fear- to know and love Him as we were designed to. This is our mission at FBCC - To know and love God, for the glory of God in Christ.
“Do we all realize that the most important thing we have to do in this world is to prepare ourselves for eternity?”
— Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Go deep.
We study God’s word. And we go deep.
Why? Well, we have a little saying here: “We aren’t going to be studying Moby Dick next week!” The gospel is revealed in the word. And the gospel is the engine not just for your salvation, but for your ongoing sanctification.
We have one book. We’re going to be studying it now. We’re going to be studying it next week. And we’re going to be studying it next year. Always remembering, we study not for head knowledge, but for heart change. We could focus our energies on knowing this book for the rest of our lives, and still not mine all the riches and beauty contained therein.